What are Cord Points?
Each student who wishes to graduate with an SNA cord must earn 5 cord points for each of two semesters (10 cord points total) while a registered SNA member. Points earned while not a member will not be counted unless membership is attained before the 8th week of the semester in which the points were earned.
You can earn cord points by partaking in health-related volunteering opportunities presented by the SNA and by participating in our monthly open SNA meetings. Do you know of any great volunteer opportunities? Please bring your ideas to our attention and we would like to get SNA involved. Please read below for further information.
Please note:
Use the spreadsheet below to track your points.
Please communicate all concerns regarding cord points and membership to csusm.sna.membershipdirector@gmail.com
Use the cord breakdown at the bottom of the page to see which activities can earn you cord points.
Current bylaws regarding cord points:
Section 1. Cord Point Program
A Cord Point Program will exist to encourage SNA member participation in SNA, university, and community events. Points are awarded for attendance per event and are accumulated throughout each Fall and Spring semester. Successful acquisition of the predetermined point amount per semester will qualify the student to wear the CNSA Graduation Cord at graduation.
The program will be run by the Student Engagement Committee and managed by the Membership Director. Changes to the following program components will require Board approval by â…” majority vote.
Students must have active NSNA membership status with chapter dues paid to participate in the Cord Point Program.
Students that join SNA after the 8th week of the semester are not required to participate to be considered for graduation cord eligibility. They are still required to participate for 2 full semesters to be eligible for a graduation cord.
Earning cord points:
A total of 5 cord points per semester are required.
SNA members may earn more than 5 points per semester.
Cord points will not be earned during the Summer semester
A minimum of 2 semesters of participation are required to be eligible for SNA graduation cords.
The 5 point requirement must be met for at least 2 semesters while an active SNA member. This does not have to be done in consecutive semesters.
Participants do not need to be an active member at graduation to receive a cord.
Any member to serve on the Board of Directors for the entirety of one full term shall be said to have completed all requirements for a cord
All students who sign up for an event will receive an email a couple days prior as a reminder that they signed up to attend. It is then the responsibility of the student to notify the designated point of contact for the event (typically highlighted in blue orange in the weekly update emails) if they will not be able to attend 24 hours prior to the event start time!
Cord point values per event:
Open SNA Board meetings - 2 points
SNA committee meetings - 2 points (in person) / 1 point (Zoom)
SNA sponsored social events - 2 points
Participation as a Mentor in the Peer Mentoring Program - 1 point
Breakthrough to Nursing events - 2 points
Community Health events (walks, homeless outreach, volunteer work, etc.) - 3 points
Blood drive
Volunteering - 2 points
Donating - 1 point
Volunteer work at student-run community clinics - 4 points per 8 hour shift
Volunteer hours must be in addition to any hours required or counted towards coursework.
CNSA/NSNA convention or conference attendance - 3 points
Professional nursing organization event, chapter meeting, or conference attendance - 2 points
CSUSM student organization event attendance - 1 point
Attending a volunteer event with mentor/mentee (meetings and social events excluded) - 1 point (additional to event points)
Any additional events not listed above must be pre-approved by an SNA Board Member in order to receive points.
Cord point tracking:
The Membership Director will be responsible for maintaining the master tracking log that serves as the official point count per SNA member. Cord points will be tallied by the end of every Fall and Spring semester. NSNA membership status will be verified at this time.
The master log will be made available to students as deemed appropriate by the Membership Director via the SNA website or email.
Cord attainment:
It is the responsibility of the cord recipient to pay for their own cord.
Cords must be purchased from CNSA by the Board of Directors and distributed to students that have satisfied their cord point requirements at the same cost that the cord was purchased for from CNSA.
This chapter shall not earn a profit from cord distribution.
H. End of semester raffle:
Cord points will also serve as entries into a raffle held at the end of every semester for a prize of the Board’s choice.
Every point earned will constitute one entry in the raffle for the SNA member.
The winner is to be awarded by the end of each semester.
Please contact us at csusm.sna.membershipdirector@gmail.com with any questions regarding cord points