California State University San Marcos Student Nurses Association’s Bylaws
(revised 03/2021)
The name of this organization shall be the California State University Student Nurses Association, a local constituent chapter of the California Nursing Students’ Association and the National Student Nurses’ Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as CSUSM-SNA, CNSA, and NSNA respectively.
Section 1. Purpose
A. To assume responsibility for contributing to nursing education in order to provide for the highest quality of health care.
B. To provide programs representative of fundamental interests and concerns to nursing students.
C. To aid in the development of the whole person, their professional role, their responsibility for health care of people in all walks of life.
Section 2. Function
D. To have direct input into standards of nursing education and influence the education process.
E. To influence health care, nursing education and practice through legislative activities as appropriate.
F. To promote and encourage participation in community affairs and activities towards health care and the resolution of related social issues.
G. To represent nursing students to the consumer, to institutions, and other organizations.
H. To promote and encourage students' participation in interdisciplinary activities.
I. To promote and encourage recruitment efforts, participation in student activities, and educational opportunities regardless of a person's race, color, creed, national origin, ethnicity, age, gender, marital status, lifestyle, disability or economic status.
J. To promote and encourage collaborative relationships with nursing and health related organizations.
Section 1. School Constituency Status
A. School constituent membership is composed of active or associate members who are of the NSNA and the state association when one exists.
B. CSUSM-SNA shall be composed of at least 10 members from CSUSM School of Nursing (CSUSM SON) or the total CSUSM SON enrollment if less than 10. There shall be only one chapter on this school campus.
C. For yearly recognition as a constituent, the chapter President shall submit annually the Official Application for NSNA Constituency Status which shall include the following areas of conformity: purpose and functions, membership, dues, and representation.
D. A constituent association which fails to comply with the bylaws and policies of NSNA shall have its status as a constituent revoked by a 2/3 vote of the NSNA Board of Directors, provided that written notice of the proposed revocation has been given at least two months prior to the vote and the constituent association is given an opportunity to be heard.
E. CSUSM-SNA is an entity separate and apart from NSNA and its administration of activities, with NSNA and CNSA exercising no supervision or control over these immediate daily and regular activities. NSNA and CNSA have no liability for any loss, damages, or injuries sustained by third parties as a result of the negligence or acts of CSUSM-SNA or the members thereof. In the event any legal proceedings are brought against NSNA and CNSA, CSUSM-SNA will indemnify and hold harmless the NSNA and CNSA from any liability.
Section 2. Categories of Constituent Membership
Members of the constituent associations shall be:
A. Active members:
a. Students enrolled in state approved programs leading to licensure as a registered nurse.
b. Registered nurses enrolled in programs leading a baccalaureate degree with a major in nursing.
c. Active members shall have all the privileges of membership.
d. Active members will have paid CSUSM local chapter fee and maintain NSNA paid membership.
B. Associate members:
a. Students, including registered nurses, enrolled in college or university programs designed as preparation for entrance into a program leading to an associate degree, diploma or baccalaureate degree in nursing.
b. Associate members shall have all of the privileges of membership except the right to hold office as president or vice president at state and national levels.
C. Individual members:
a. Individual membership shall be open at the national level to any eligible student when membership in a constituent association is not available.
b. Individual members shall have the privileges of membership as prescribed in NSNA bylaws.
D. Active and associate membership shall be renewable annually.
Section 3.
Active and associate NSNA membership may be extended six months beyond graduation from a student's program in nursing, providing membership was renewed while the student was enrolled in a nursing program.
Section 4.
CSUSM-SNA will participate in the Membership Director-South meetings according to State Bylaws. For an explanation and definition of the structure of State Membership Director-South, see CNSA Bylaws (Article VI, Section 2).
Section 5.
Eligibility for membership or leadership positions shall not be limited on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability. The organization shall have no rules or policies that discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability.
Section 6.
Individuals identified in Article III Section 2, and having paid dues, shall constitute the voting membership.
Section 7. Termination of membership:
The membership of any member shall terminate upon occurrence of any of the following events:
A. The resignation of the member;
B. The failure of a member to renew his or her membership for the following year by paying annual dues before the expiration of membership;
C. The occurrence of any event which renders such member ineligible for membership, provided that termination for such cause shall take effect only upon expiration of the member’s current membership period;
D. The determination by the Board of Directors or a committee designated by the Board of Directors to make such determination that the member has engaged in conduct materially and/or seriously prejudicial to the interest of CSUSM-SNA.
Section 8. Transfer of memberships:
No member may transfer a membership or any right arising from it.
Section 1.
A. The Annual NSNA dues for active and associate members shall be determined by NSNA, payable for the appropriate dues year. The dues year for membership shall be a period of twelve consecutive months.
B. School chapter dues are mandatory at the beginning of NSNA membership and are a one time fee of $20. Collected school chapter dues are used to fund CSUSM-SNA activities and community outreach.
C. The CSUSM-SNA Board of Directors shall have the authority to change school chapter membership dues, providing such dues do not exceed the amount set in these bylaws.
D. National and state dues shall be payable directly to NSNA. NSNA shall remit to each state constituent the dues received on behalf of the constituent. NSNA shall not collect nor remit school chapter dues.
E. Any member who fails to pay current dues shall forfeit all privileges of membership.
Section 1. NSNA representation:
A. School constituents:
a. The school chapter, when recognized as an official NSNA constituent, shall be entitled to one voting delegate and alternate at the NSNA House of Delegates, and in addition, shall be entitled to one voting delegate and alternate for every 50 members.
b. The school chapter delegate(s) and alternate shall be a member(s) in good standing in the chapter and shall be selected by the Board of Directors and/or elected by members of the school chapter. CSUSM-SNA may designate an alternate delegate for each delegate by one of the following two mechanisms:
i. Selection by the Board of Directors and/or election by members of the school chapter; or
ii. Written authorization to the State Board of Directors requesting them to appoint a member of the State Board to act as a state-appointed alternate for their school chapter.
1. School chapters shall approve the appointment.
2. The State Board of Directors shall verify that any state appointed alternate is a member in good standing of the NSNA and the state association.
3. A school chapter must have a selected and/or elected delegate present at the NSNA Convention in order to have a state-appointed alternate seated in the House of Delegates.
iii.All alternates, whether school selected or state-appointed, shall have the same privileges as an elected delegate when seated in the House.
c. The school association shall be entitled to delegates according to the number of members in good standing in NSNA. Delegates shall be computed on the basis of the number of members in each constituent as evidenced by the annual dues received by NSNA on a date eight weeks prior to the annual meeting.
Section 2. CNSA representation:
Each constituent chapter of CNSA is entitled to be represented at the House of Delegates with two (2) delegates. Chapters with 20 or more active and/or associate members are entitled to additional delegates at a ratio of 1 delegate for each 20 members. (e.g. chapters with 20 - 39 members are entitled to a total of 3 delegates; chapters with 40 - 59 members are entitled to a total of 4 delegates, etc.).
Section 3: Convention Attendance
CSUSM-SNA shall raise funds for the chapter President in order to provide travel and hotel expenses for the national convention. Dependent upon the goals and financial status of the current board, members designated by the Board of Directors shall write the resolution.
Section 4. Delegate Responsibilities:
Any delegate being financed by CSUSM-SNA has the following responsibilities:
A. Assist the Legislative Director in the announcement of and gathering of opinions about the resolutions that will be presented at the national and state conventions;
B. Be in attendance at all times when the House of Delegates and States Caucus are in session, and vote on all issues, except for times when relief by an alternate is deemed necessary;
C. Inform the nursing student body about convention activities, including submitting an article to Range of Motion and/or posting resolution outcomes on the CSUSM-SNA board.
Section 1. Composition:
A. The governing body of CSUSM-SNA shall be the elected Board of Directors.
B. The Board of Directors shall consist of twelve (12) elected Officers and Directors.
a. There shall be four (4) Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer elected by members.
b. There shall be eight (8) Directors: Legislative Director, Communications Director, Fundraiser Coordinator, Community Health Project Coordinator, Activities Director, Breakthrough to Nursing Director, and Membership Director, Student Affairs Director.
C. Term of Office:
a. Members of the Board of Directors are elected by week 10 of spring semester. They shall take office at the close of the transition meeting, which takes place after the last open meeting of spring semester, and shall serve a one (1) year term.
b. Each officer shall hold their position from the transition meeting until the transition meeting of the following year. At the end of term each officer will meet with the newly elected officer to go over their job description and responsibilities, in addition each officer shall act in an advisory capacity to the newly elected officer until August 31st.
Section 2. Eligibility:
A. Each board member shall maintain membership in the CSUSM-SNA throughout their term of office.
B. A member of CSUSM-SNA shall be eligible to be a candidate for office provided they shall be a nursing student for the entire term of office.
C. No individual shall hold more than one voting position on the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Regular Meetings:
The Board of Directors, one Faculty Advisor, and any CNSA member shall meet as deemed necessary by a quorum of the Board of Directors at least once a month during the fall and spring semesters. Regular meetings shall be held with notice to all members who hold the above positions.
Section 4. Special Meetings:
Special meetings of the Board of Directors for any purpose may be called at any time by the President or Vice President. All Board members must be notified 48 hours in advance and no voting on financial matters shall occur at the meeting.
Section 5. Open Meetings:
No CSUSM-SNA meetings, other than Closed Session meetings, shall be closed to CSUSM-SNA members.
Section 6. Quorum:
A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A phone, e-mail, or video conference vote conducted by the President is sufficient to compromise a quorum. A phone, e-mail, or video conference vote shall be used only if Board members cannot meet to conduct a vote. During summer and winter breaks a quorum of the Board of Directors is necessary to transact any business. The quorum for this Board is 50% plus 1 votes.
Section 7. Adjournment:
A majority of the Board of Directors present, whether or not constituting a quorum, may adjourn any meeting to another time and place.
Section 8. Vacancies:
A. Events causing vacancies: A vacancy or vacancies in the Board of Directors shall be deemed to exist as a result of the inability to fill the position during the election and on the occurrence of the death, resignation, removal, or disqualification of any officer. Except as otherwise set forth in these bylaws, a vacancy in any office shall be filled only in the manner prescribed in the bylaws for regular appointments to that office.
B. Removal of Officers and Directors: Any officer or director may be removed with cause, by a 2/3 agreement by the Board of Directors.
C. Resignation of Officers and Directors: Any officer may resign, whose resignation shall be effective immediately on giving written notice to the Board of Directors, unless the notice specifies a later time for the resignation to become effective. After resignation, all outgoing officers and directors are still required to provide a handoff to the incoming board member.
D. Replacement of Officers and Directors: In the instance of a vacancy on the Board of Directors, a successor may be selected by the current SNA members through a simple majority vote, except for a vacancy in the office of the President. The Vice President shall assume the office of the President in the event of a vacancy. Upon election the newly appointed board member shall hold office for the remaining unexpired term of their predecessor.
E. Temporary vacancy: Should a vacancy of a position occur any willing Board member can assume the responsibility of the position, until a qualified replacement can be found, but will only constitute one voting position.
Section 9. Unfinished Business:
Before the current board transacts unfinished business from the previous semesters there must be documentation (official minutes) that the previous board had said business on the agenda. If no documentation can be provided, the decision to carry out said unfinished business is up to the current Board of Directors.
Section 10. Attendance:
Attendance to all meetings is mandatory for Board members. Attendance may be excused by contacting the president 24 hours in advance. If a Board member misses 3 meetings per year, excused or unexcused, it is the duty of the president to reaffirm if the member still wants to serve on the Board. The President will then present the situation to the remaining Board members. The remaining Board members will decide by a 2/3 majority if the said member will still be able to serve on the Board
Section 1. Qualifications:
A. Any active or individual member in good standing may be nominated to serve in any elected position of the association.
B. Any associate member in good standing may be nominated to serve in any elected position except for the offices of President and Vice President.
C. No individual shall hold more than one voting position on the Board of Directors.
D. Any member running for an elected position shall be a nursing student for the entire term of office.
E. All officers and directors are required to serve a mandatory 3 months (ending on the last day of August) post-term in an advisory fashion to the incoming board members. This includes attending all meetings. Post-term officers and directors will hold no voting privileges.
F. The President shall serve in an advisory fashion for one full year post-term (ending on the last day of May). The post-term president shall hold no voting privileges.
Section 2. Duties:
A. The President shall:
Preside at all CSUSM-SNA meetings.
Form and act as the chairperson for the Student Engagement Committee.
Be a member of the Student Affairs Committee.
Stay informed of all CNSA local, state, and national activities, by monitoring new issues of NSNA News, Imprint, and Range of Motion, and by reporting relevant information such as scholarships, contests, programs, and activities at Open Meetings.
Write a “Message from the President” article for each semester to be posted on the CSUSM-SNA website and CSUSM-SNA bulletin board.
Register CSUSM-SNA as an On Campus Organization with the Student Resource Center prior to September 21st or delegate as appropriate to avoid late fees or loss of status. Obtain a copy of the CSUSM Student Organization Handbook from the Resource Center and maintain it in the President’s file. Attend the mandatory club orientation meeting on behalf of CSUSM-SNA.
Register to retain an organization mailbox in Student Life and Leadership Center to keep informed of campus events.
Submit an Officer Change Form to the student Resource Center in the event of a change of officers during the term of office.
Co-sign CSUSM-SNA checks for approved expenditures.
Submit the Official Application for CNSA Constituency Status by February 10, or as otherwise designated.
Submit the Official Application for NSNA Constituency Status by April 23, or as otherwise designated.
Represent CSUSM-SNA as head delegate at state and national conventions as budget appropriations and personal schedule allow.
As appropriate, enter CSUSM-SNA in all applicable contests such as Newsletter Contests, Community Health, etc.
Notify CNSA of events such as career fairs, speaking engagements, and other events in order to encourage the participants of other local Student Nurses’ Associations, as deemed appropriate.
Maintain communication with the Membership Director South regarding important dates, deadlines, the submission of resolutions, and CNSA procedure when applicable.
Perform all other duties pertaining to the office and represent CSUSM-SNA in all matters relating to CNSA and NSNA.
Will be responsible for accountability of Board members (Article 6: Section 9 and Article VII: Section 4).
In collaboration with the Vice President, Legislative Director, and Secretary; provide a summary of activities and involvement for the year to the Faculty Advisor at the end of the term.
Stay informed and in contact with other local chapters’ events in an effort to work in partnership to make greater impacts in our communities through combined efforts. Ideas for chapter collaboration should be presented at the opening of each meeting.
Maintain an updated calendar of events pertaining to but not limited to CSUSM-SNA, CSNA, NSNA and other local chapters. The calendar will be updated regularly and submitted to the Communications Director and Secretary and posted on the CSUSM-SNA bulletin board and online calendar.
Organize the orientation leadership meeting for the new Board of Directors before the start of the summer session, as outlined in the President’s binder.
Obtain from the Secretary a roster of all members in good standing of CSUSM-SNA.
Meet with the Student Affairs Director for a briefing once per month with the Director of the School of Nursing.
B. The Vice President shall:
Assume in rank the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President.
Assume the duties of the President should a vacancy occur in that office.
Be coordinator of CSUSM-SNA activities to include New Student Orientation, Guest Speaker events, and other social events.
Be a member of the Student Engagement Committee and Student Affairs Committee.
Notify RN-BSN faculty advisor of CNSA activities and the opportunity to have RN-BSN representation at CNSA meetings.
Perform all other duties as assigned by the President.
Co-sign checks on CSUSM-SNA accounts as needed.
Assume the duties of the Community Health Project Coordinator should a vacancy occur in that office.
In collaboration with the President, Legislative Director and Secretary; provide a summary of activities and involvement for the year to the Faculty Advisor at the end of the term.
Be parliamentarian at all meetings and provide parliamentarian introduction each semester. Keep a current copy of Robert’s Rules of order in the Vice President’s file box.
C. The Legislative Director shall:
In the absence of the President and Vice President, preside and perform only necessary duties until return of the officers, board appointments, or an election can be arranged.
Form and act as chairperson of the Bylaws Committee and be responsible for updating, reviewing and recommending changes in the bylaws by the end of fall semester.
Coordinate the new officer election to be held.
Monitor legislative bills pertaining to health care, especially nursing, and present legislative information for CSUSM-SNA website each semester.
Maintain communication with the Membership Director South regarding important dates, deadlines, the submission of resolutions, and CNSA procedures when applicable.
Coordinate the Voter Registration drive in conjunction with NSNA’s Voter Registration Week during fall semester.
Draft, submit, and present a resolution for CNSA State Convention. Responsibility can be delegated as needed.
Provide the Class Representatives with an outline of the resolutions that will be submitted at conventions, in order to survey opinions of the nursing body; summarize the opinions of the nursing student body; and present the summary to the CSUSM-SNA delegates.
In collaboration with the President, Vice President, and Secretary; provide a summary of activities and involvement for the year to the Faculty Advisor at the end of the term.
D. The Secretary shall:
Record the minutes of all meetings and reproduce copies within one week of each meeting. Copies will be sent to the Faculty Advisor, Board of Directors, any members requesting minutes, and one copy will be posted on the CSUSM-SNA website and board.
Maintain permanent records of all minutes in the Secretary’s Google Drive.
Keep records of all correspondence and reports.
Conduct the general correspondence and reports for CSUSM-SNA as requested by the President.
Develop and update the phone list with emails within one week of elections at the beginning of each semester.
Reserve rooms (either through the School of Nursing secretary or through the Student Life and Leadership Center) for all CSUSM-SNA meetings and events.
Inform Faculty Advisors of events and meetings via memos in their mailbox.
Be responsible for the appearance of the CNSA bulletin board in the SON building and at the Temecula campus and update it as appropriate. Responsibility can be delegated as needed.
Keep a master calendar of all CSUSM-SNA, CNSA, and NSNA activities and provide all Board members and Faculty Advisors with a copy. Submit a calendar for CSUSM-SNA web site each semester and update as appropriate.
Be a member of the Student Affairs Committee.
Perform all other duties as assigned by the President as necessary to assist Board members and CSUSM-SNA.
In collaboration with the President, Vice President and Legislative Director; provide a summary of activities and involvement for the year to the Faculty Advisor at the end of the term.
E. The Treasurer shall:
Form and act as chairperson of the Finance Committee.
Act as custodian of all CSUSM-SNA funds.
Receive all monies, and deposit funds in a bank approved by the Board, and maintain a file containing canceled checks, and monthly statements.
Make all approved monetary disbursements with the co-signature of the President or Vice President (prior approval by the President is required).
a. Bring requests for reimbursements greater than $25 before the CSUSM-SNA board for approval.
b. All CSUSM-SNA expenditures over $100.00 per event must have prior approval by a Faculty Advisor and two signatures.
Ensure that all expenses and reimbursements are accompanied by appropriate receipts, and store the receipts in the Treasurer’s box.
Maintain accountability for all CSUSM-SNA assets.
Keep accurate financial records of acquisitions, reimbursements, expenses, and disbursements, and make monthly reports of those records to be submitted to the Faculty Advisor and President.
Collect and deposit all monies generated by fund raising activities.
At the close of the term of office ensure all financial business (reimbursements, deposits, etc.) is closed. A list of items pending should be submitted along with all books of account for audit as specified by the Executive Board.
Continually update the budget by stating the current balance, and future expenditures that can be expected at each open meeting.
Submit a balance of the bank account, the previous year’s budget and a list of any financial items pending at the close of term to the newly elected Treasurer at the turnover/training meeting for the incoming Board of Directors.
Charge a fee equivalent to the bank fee; first bounced check and thereafter a cashier’s check is only acceptable.
In collaboration with the President, Vice President, Legislative Director and Secretary; provide a summary of activities and involvement for the year to the Faculty Advisor at the end of the term.
F. The Communications Director shall:
Be responsible for the monthly maintenance and upkeep of the CSUSM-SNA website including: up to date information of SNA events, meeting minutes and other information pertinent to members on the CSUSM-SNA website.
Maintain the CSUSM-SNA social media accounts and post events or other SNA related information of interest to SNA members.
Maintain an accurate online calendar of events.
Develop methods that promote usage of the website and social media engagement by members of CSUSM-SNA.
To manage and direct all external and internal communications of the Board of Directors.
To implement communication strategies that promote the purpose and agenda of the association.
Provide a summary of activities and involvement for the year to the Faculty Advisor at the end of the term.
G. The Fundraising Coordinator shall:
Form and act as chairperson of the Fundraising and Apparel Committees.
Coordinate all fundraising projects.
Establish a list of fundraising activities for the year by the first open meeting of the semester.
Conduct equipment sales (stethoscopes, mugs, clipboards, sweatshirts, shirts, tote bags, etc.); order, arrange for pick-up, and distribute the equipment; maintain accurate records of inventory, sales invoice, etc., and conduct appropriate correspondence with the participating firms.
Coordinate with the Treasurer in the payment of vendors, depositing of fundraising monies and tracking of CSUSM-SNA inventory on hand.
Inform all students of items for sale, and submit a fundraising order form to each Cohort Representative.
Provide summary of activities and involvement for the year to the Faculty Advisor at the end of the term.
H. The Community Health Project Coordinator shall:
Form and act as chairperson of the Community Health Projects Committee.
In collaboration with the Community Health Projects Committee, coordinate a minimum of two Community Health Projects per semester (Ex: homeless shelter work, volunteer work, walks to raise money for different illnesses).
In collaboration with the Community Health Projects Committee, coordinate the sponsorship a minimum of one on-campus blood drive per semester. Meet with American Red Cross representative to set dates and obtain printed materials for advertisement.
Represent CSUSM-SNA interests in such events as the campus Career Fair, campus Health Fair, World Health Day, Council Bylaws, and budget appropriations.
In the event of a vacancy the duties of this position will be filled by the Vice President.
Provide summary of activities and involvement for the year to the Faculty Advisor at the end of the term.
I. The Activities Director shall:
Form and act as the chairperson for the Activities Committee.
Be a member of the Student Engagement Committee.
Host a minimum of 3 events per semester.
a. Two events are parties (Ex: welcome back party, end of semester party, root beer float party, ice cream party, bonfire, bowling night) in coordination with the Fundraising Coordinator. This session should be used as an informative recruiting session, to inform students of important dates and to increase fundraising opportunities.
b. A minimum of one event is to be held at the Temecula campus.
Be responsible for coordinating any CNSA or chapter events that are to be hosted by CSUSM-SNA.
Rules and regulations of the events must be in co-ordinance with CSUSM policy. In the event that policy shall be broken during an event the event shall terminate the procession of the event.
All events must be approved by the Board and the Faculty Advisor.
Budgeting for the event needs to be determined and voted on by the Board.
J. The Breakthrough to Nursing Director shall:
Form and act as chairperson of the Breakthrough to Nursing Committee.
Promote a positive image of nursing students; promote diversity in nursing; promote recruitment and retention of men and minorities.
Coordinate and arrange a minimum of one outreach presentation per semester to local high school students.
Serve as a Liaison between CNSA/NSNA Breakthrough to Nursing chairpersons.
Coordinate activities with the CNSA/NSNA Breakthrough to Nursing projects;
Identify and compile a listing of state and national financial aid resources for nursing students.
Perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Provide summary of activities and involvement for the year to the Faculty Advisor at the end of the term.
Join the CNSA Diversity and Breakthrough to Nursing Committee.
K. The Membership Director shall:
Coordinate the pairing of mentors and mentees.
Distribute a mentorship survey to mentors and mentees to compose a list of active mentors at the conclusion of the semester.
Work with the Activities Director to coordinate one event each semester to promote mentor and mentee bonding.
Be a member of the Student Engagement Committee.
Coordinate the recruitment of future and retention of past members of CSUSM-SNA.
Register as the Project In Touch Recruiter by May 31st; order membership applications from NSNA, and enter the Recruiter number in each application; participate in new student orientation as the Project In Touch Recruiter; and forward all applications to the processing center by the third week of a new semester.
Maintain a current membership list.
Track and manage members’ cord points.
Form and act as chairperson of a Membership Committee as deemed necessary to carry out duties of recruitment and retention.
Serve as liaison responsible for facilitating communication and interaction with the Temecula campus on behalf of the CSUSM-SNA Board of Directors.
L. The Student Affairs Director shall:
Act as a liaison between the students and faculty, but shall not include discrepancies that should be kept confidential, as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Act as a liaison between the students and the Board of Directors.
Form and act as chairperson for the Nursing Student Mental Health Committee.
a. The Student Affairs Director/Chairperson of the Mental Health Committee will be in charge of securing meeting locations, student facilitators, faculty support, and guest speakers. Being a student facilitator is not required if the Student Affairs Director does not feel equipped to do so, but they must have enough positions filled to meet the demand of the Committee and should attend support group meetings as regularly as possible.
b. Hold a minimum of four meetings per semester
Three meetings per semester should be held at the San Marcos Campus.
At least one support group meeting should take place at the Temecula campus (if not more) per semester.
c. The Student Affairs Director should actively network and communicate with cohort reps each semester to see if there are any student issues that could be resolved.
4. Address all student concerns not related to curriculum or clinical placements with the Board and Faculty.
5. This director shall use their best judgment and acknowledge when certain issues should be handled by a representing committee with higher authority (i.e. Curriculum Committee).
6. Meet with the Director of the School of Nursing at regular monthly briefings with the President of the Student Nurses Association to provide updates on Student Affairs
M. All Officers and Directors shall:
Submit all receipts and bills to the Treasurer.
Attend all CSUSM-SNA meetings.
Upon termination of office, turn over to his/her successor all official records; submit a written report of activities accomplished to the Faculty Advisor and recommendations for the following year; be available for training of the newly elected officers at the turnover/training meeting.
Section 1. Qualifications:
A. Any Cohort Representative elected by their cohort must be an active CSUSM-SNA member.
B. Any Cohort Representative will maintain good academic standing throughout their term.
Section 2. Election of Cohort Representative:
A. The election of the Cohort Representative will be announced at the new student orientation and conclude within the first month of the incoming cohort’s first semester. The election will be held by the Legislative Director
B. A maximum of two Cohort Representatives per cohort will be elected.
Section 3. Term of office:
A. The Cohort Representative will serve for the duration of their academic program at CSUSM SON.
B. Resignation of Cohort Representative: Any Cohort Representative may resign, whose resignation shall be effective immediately on giving written notice to the Board of Directors, unless the notice specifies a later time for the resignation to become effective. After resignation, outgoing Cohort Representatives are still required to provide a handoff to the incoming Cohort Representative.
C. Removal of Cohort Representative: Any Cohort Representative may be removed with cause by a 2/3 agreement by the Board of Directors.
Section 4. The Cohort Representative shall:
A. Attend all CSUSM-SNA meetings.
B. Act as a communication link between their cohort and CSUSM-SNA, involving the presentation of ideas from their cohort to the Board of Directors and from the Board of Directors to their cohort.
C. Make monthly announcements to their cohort following CSUSM-SNA meetings of relevant items.
D. Act as assigned custodian for specified cohort CSUSM-SNA funds.
E. Receive all specified cohort monies generated from fundraising activities sales and relinquish funds to the CSUSM-SNA Treasurer.
F. Plan your cohort’s graduation ceremony.
Section 1. Duties:
A. CSUSM-SNA shall have at least one Faculty Advisor to serve as a consultant and resource person.
B. At least one Faculty Advisor must be present at all CSUSM-SNA meetings during the Fall and Spring semesters. The Faculty Advisors may alternate meeting attendance.
C. All CSUSM-SNA expenditures over $100.00 per event must have prior approval by a Faculty Advisor.
Section 2. Appointment of Faculty Advisors:
A. Such Advisors shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and shall serve for two years. The Faculty Advisor shall have all the privileges of membership except one vote. They shall pay no dues.
B. The outgoing Board of Directors shall ensure that at least one Faculty Advisor position is filled for the term of the incoming Board, prior to the end of the Spring semester.
Section 1.
All CSUSM-SNA meetings shall be conducted according to parliamentary laws as set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised, latest edition, where rules apply and are not in conflict with these bylaws.
Section 2.
The Board of Directors shall constitute the voting and motioning members on issues brought to CSUSM-SNA meetings.
Section 1.
Standing Committees shall be composed of members of CSUSM-SNA and shall assume such specified duties as are assigned by the President and specified in these bylaws.
Section 2.
Standing Committee chairpersons shall report to the Board of Directors at each CSUSM-SNA meeting and shall submit a written report of their activities at such times as requested by the Board of Directors.
Section 3.
There shall be the following Standing Committees, which shall consist of at least three (3) members per committee:
A. Bylaws Committee:
a. The chairperson shall be the Legislative Director.
b. The purpose of this committee shall be to review and revise the bylaws as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors and carry out the procedure for bylaw amendment.
B. Community Health Projects Committee:
a. The chairperson shall be the Community Health Project Coordinator.
b. The purpose of the committee shall be to plan and coordinate at least one project each academic year.
c. The Community Health Project Coordinator will coordinate with the Communications Director to effectively promote planned activities.
d. The chairperson shall submit all projects for approval to the CSUSM-SNA Board.
C. Fundraising Committee:
a. The chairperson shall be the Fundraising Coordinator.
b. The purpose of the committee shall be to plan and coordinate all fundraising projects, conduct equipment sales including but not limited to stethoscopes, mugs, clipboards, pens and tote bags.
c. Apparel development and sales will be coordinated through the Apparel Committee.
i. Apparel is defined as any clothing materials, sweatshirts, shirts, polo shirts.
d. The Fundraising Coordinator should consult with the Treasurer regarding all planned activities. The Treasurer will determine how finances should be handled.
e. The chairperson shall submit all projects for approval to the CSUSM-SNA Board.
D. Apparel Committee:
a. The chairperson shall be the Fundraising Coordinator.
b. The purpose of the committee shall be to plan and coordinate all aspects of ordering, distributing and sales of apparel. The Fundraising Committee can be consulted for assistance.
i. Apparel is defined as any clothing materials, sweatshirts, shirts, polo shirts.
c. The Fundraising Coordinator should consult with the Treasurer regarding all planned activities. The Treasurer will determine how finances should be handled.
d. All profits collected from apparel sales will be distributed to the CSUSM-SNA.
E. Activities Committee:
a. The chairperson shall be the Activities Director.
b. The purpose of this committee is to host a minimum of three student nursing socials per semester (ex: welcome back party, end of semester party, root beer float party, ice cream party, bonfire, bowling night) in coordination with the Fundraising Coordinator. These socials should be used as informative recruiting sessions, to inform students of important dates and to increase fundraising opportunities.
i. A minimum of one event is to be held at the Temecula campus.
c. The Activities Director will coordinate with the Communications Director to effectively promote planned activities.
d. This committee shall be responsible for coordinating any CNSA or chapter events that are to be hosted by CSUSM-SNA.
F. Breakthrough to Nursing Committee:
a. The chairperson shall be the Breakthrough to Nursing Director.
b. The purpose of this committee is to represent CSUSM-SNA at local high schools, school-related events, and community outreach to encourage recruitment and retention of students into the nursing program and to target non-traditional as well as traditional students through informative presentations.
c. Members will encourage and promote mentorship programs.
G. Student Engagement Committee:
a. The chairperson shall be the President.
b. The committee shall include the Vice President, Activities Director, and Membership Director. Any other students are welcome to serve on the committee.
c. The committee shall be responsible for organization of the following programs:
i. Cord Point Program
ii. Peer-Mentorship Program
H. Student Affairs Committee:
a. The chairperson shall be the Student Affairs Director.
b. The committee shall include the President, Vice President, and Secretary. Any other board members are welcome to serve on the committee.
c. The committee shall be responsible for the following:
i. Addressing student concerns (as defined in Article 7., Section 2B) at closed and open meetings and escalating to a higher level (faculty) if necessary
ii. Identifying solutions to problems and presenting them to faculty in a constructive and purposeful way
iii. Maintaining a bridge between the Temecula campus and students and the main campus
iv. Assisting the Student Affairs Director in hosting events at the Temecula Campus and keeping the bulletin board updated
Section 1. Cord Point Program
A Cord Point Program will exist to encourage SNA member participation in SNA, university, and community events. Points are awarded for attendance per event and are accumulated throughout each Fall and Spring semester. Successful acquisition of the predetermined point amount per semester will qualify the student to wear the CNSA Graduation Cord at graduation.
The program will be run by the Student Engagement Committee and managed by the Membership Director. Changes to the following program components will require Board approval by â…” majority vote.
Students must have active NSNA membership status with chapter dues paid to participate in the Cord Point Program.
Students that join SNA after the 8th week of the semester are not required to participate to be considered for graduation cord eligibility. They are still required to participate for 2 full semesters to be eligible for a graduation cord.
Earning cord points:
A total of 5 cord points per semester are required.
SNA members may earn more than 5 points per semester.
Cord points will not be earned during the Summer semester
A minimum of 2 semesters of participation are required to be eligible for SNA graduation cords.
The 5 point requirement must be met for at least 2 semesters while an active SNA member. This does not have to be done in consecutive semesters.
Participants do not need to be an active member at graduation to receive a cord.
Any member to serve on the Board of Directors for the entirety of one full term shall be said to have completed all requirements for a cord
All students who sign up for an event will receive an email a couple days prior as a reminder that they signed up to attend. It is then the responsibility of the student to notify the designated point of contact for the event (typically highlighted in blue orange in the weekly update emails) if they will not be able to attend 24 hours prior to the event start time!
Cord point values per event:
Open SNA Board meetings - 2 points
SNA committee meetings - 2 points (in person) / 1 point (Zoom)
SNA sponsored social events - 2 points
Participation as a Mentor in the Peer Mentoring Program - 1 point
Breakthrough to Nursing events - 2 points
Community Health events (walks, homeless outreach, volunteer work, etc.) - 3 points
Blood drive
Volunteering - 2 points
Donating - 1 point
Volunteer work at student-run community clinics - 4 points per 8 hour shift
Volunteer hours must be in addition to any hours required or counted towards coursework.
CNSA/NSNA convention or conference attendance - 3 points
Professional nursing organization event, chapter meeting, or conference attendance - 2 points
CSUSM student organization event attendance - 1 point
Attending a volunteer event with mentor/mentee (meetings and social events excluded) - 1 point (additional to event points)
Any additional events not listed above must be pre-approved by an SNA Board Member in order to receive points.
Cord point tracking:
The Membership Director will be responsible for maintaining the master tracking log that serves as the official point count per SNA member. Cord points will be tallied by the end of every Fall and Spring semester. NSNA membership status will be verified at this time.
The master log will be made available to students as deemed appropriate by the Membership Director via the SNA website or email.
Cord attainment:
It is the responsibility of the cord recipient to pay for their own cord.
Cords must be purchased from CNSA by the Board of Directors and distributed to students that have satisfied their cord point requirements at the same cost that the cord was purchased for from CNSA.
This chapter shall not earn a profit from cord distribution.
H. End of semester raffle:
Cord points will also serve as entries into a raffle held at the end of every semester for a prize of the Board’s choice.
Every point earned will constitute one entry in the raffle for the SNA member.
The winner is to be awarded by the end of each semester.
Section 2. Peer-Mentorship Program
The purpose of this program is to plan and coordinate the Peer-Mentorship Program in which students more advanced in the program pair up with new students for the duration of their attendance in the nursing program.
The program will be overseen by the Membership Director. The Membership Director will ask for submissions to the program at each new student orientation.
Students that are mentored during their first semester (for ABSN) or first year (for TBSN) of the nursing program are automatically assigned a mentee the following semester or year, respectively.
Students can opt out of their mentorship duties by special request through the Membership Director.
Mentee students can request a new mentor at any time without reason.
Section 1: Expenditures
Expenditures under $25 do not require a vote.
Expenditures between $25 and $100 require majority approval from the Board of Directors.
Expenditures over $100 require majority approval from the Board of Directors and prior approval by a Faculty Advisor.
Section 2: Budget
The CSUSM-SNA budget is to be prepared at the beginning of each semester by no later than 4 weeks from the start date.
Proposed revisions to bylaws may be submitted to the legislative director at any time and the legislative director will facilitate presenting the proposed amendments to the board. Proposed amendments will appear on the bylaws document in blue to indicate they are proposed. Subsequently the proposed amendments will then be voted upon by the Board of Directors. A vote will be held and amendments will be adopted at such meeting upon receiving a â…” majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors at which time they will be implemented into the bylaws.